La Iglesia Católica Es Mi Comunidad’:
A Union City Latinx Destination from Arrival to Old Age (2024)
I created this short video on the older Latinx church community to supplement the chapter I've written in an upcoming book entitled "Latino New Jersey" by Ulla Berg and Aldo Lauria Santiago (Rutgers University Press). The book should be available in early 2024.
Older Latinxs & The COVID-19 PANDEMIC, 2020-
*Currently in progress, these ethnographic photos will look at how older Latinxs have navigated the COVID-19 pandemic.
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These photographs tell the story of a people located on a small island 94 miles away from Key West, Florida. A place with limited technological advancement, subsidized food rationing and billboards that do not serve the capitalistic desire of its inhabitants, but rather as reminders of the revolution that took place many years ago. Amidst an exodus of Cubans from the island in the 50s, 60s and 80s, an elderly population is left to fend for themselves on the island, as family members have sought other nations as refuge, forgetting “los de alla” (the people on the island). Social programs also known as “casa de abuelos” (house of grandparents) care for this population who live in the nostalgic past of the revolution and the hopeful future of tomorrow. “We cannot give up now!” Esperanza from the elderly day center in Havana tells me. Amidst the difficulties of day to day living, the revolution lives on through their struggle. Within a turbulent political climate, and as a result of the blockade, the elderly population struggles to find more food, clothing—and now extra necessities that European tourists have exposed the islands population too.
Facebook My Puerto Rican Grandma, 2012
*Senior Thesis for Latino & Caribbean Studies
This documentary follows Esther Diaz - a Puerto Rican grandmother who is introduced to computers and social media late in life by her second-generation granddaughter. Can she learn to love using a computer and utilizing Facebook to connect with people aquí y allá?
Press: Rutgers Students Training Their Lenses on Latino Lives